
About the Black Global Trust

Our aim is to drive systemic change by cultivating sustainable financial resources and support structures that uplift and empower black voices, aspirations, and opportunities worldwide.


Our impact

By leveraging capital, expertise, and networks, Black Global Trust emerges as a catalyst for tangible, sustainable impact, laying the groundwork for a more equitable and inclusive future.




Capital investment


Team members


Our vision

Black Global Trust's vision stands as a beacon of empowerment and transformation in the investment landscape. It operates at the intersection of social impact and financial growth, striving to catalyse a paradigm shift in advancing racial equity.

This vision is rooted in a commitment to societal progress, aiming not only to generate financial returns but also to drive meaningful change by amplifying the voices and opportunities for Black individuals and communities.


Our mission

Central to its mission is the deliberate focus on fostering opportunities for Black talent, founders, investors, and communities.

Operating globally across Europe, the US, and Africa, Black Global Trust addresses historical imbalances caused by the slave trade, seeking to redress inequities through purposeful action.

Its comprehensive approach spans a dual mandate: following moving capital for black businesses and empowering knowledge on social impact investments and the disparities within society that profitable businesses can address.


The BGT story

Black Global Trust (BGT) emerged from a critical moment in history: 2020 COVID-19 pandemic and the murder of George Floyd.


Murder of George Floyd.


The COVID pandemic had a greater impact on black communities. For example, during the first wave, the risk of death was 3.7 times greater for Black African men than for their White British counterparts.


Promises of investment and progress to Black Communities that have faded into oblivion or been marginalised.


Our methodology

01. What sets us apart

Now, four years later, amidst the echoes of forgotten commitments, the necessity for BGT remains resoundingly relevant. It embodies the pursuit of fair wealth equity within the framework of capitalism.

This is not charity or handouts; it's a platform for empowerment, offering a nexus of investment opportunities intertwined with the knowledge to leverage them. The outcomes sought are not just profit but also a profound shift toward social justice.

What sets BGT apart is its unwavering commitment to centering Black voices, needs, and development at every level. It's about channelling resources, amplifying perspectives, and fostering economic growth within Black communities. From beneficiaries to workforce and investors, the focus remains steadfastly Black-centered.

02 Reinforcing Black Cultural Capital

Crucially, BGT places immense value on Black cultural capital — a wealth too often exploited, appropriated, or overlooked. It stands as a bastion against such exploitation, striving to provide due credit, fair compensation, and a platform for diverse narratives and representation across industries.

The vision is to create an endowment fund, mirroring successful institutions like universities, generating substantial wealth annually to reinvest in their constituents. Yet, BGT's mission goes deeper. It's an unapologetic response to systemic racism, aiming to fortify the Black community's position at the societal table, fostering resilience and strength.

03 Investment

BGT aspires for to be free from the shackles of perpetual fundraising, akin to renowned foundations like Gates or Bloomberg Philanthropies.

It's a beacon of hope, a transformative force dedicated to building not just financial prosperity but an equitable, empowered future where the Black community thrives at the forefront of progress and societal transformation, contributing to economic prosperity, social cohesion, diversity, equity, and cultural enrichment.

But, it requires a concerted effort to address systemic barriers and promote inclusive policies and practices that enable all individuals, regardless of race or background, to thrive and contribute to society.


3 key offices

New York Offices - Invstor X Webflow Template

New York, NY

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21 Essex St, New York, NY 10002
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Phone number
(414) 793 - 0681
Miami Offices - Invstor X Webflow Template


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